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Parenting Conference

Every Sunday until November 4, 2018

9:00pm – 1:00pm

Category: Ascend Student Ministries Foundations Family Ministry


Parenting Conference

Sunday Mornings Through Nov. 4th | 9:00am & 10:30am

Due to numerous competing events in our busy family schedules we have decided it best to reschedule the Parenting Conference to the Sundays October 7th - November 4th in the Fellowship Center during both worship services. The content is so good you won’t want to miss the sessions:

October 7, Session 1: Calling - "Nothing is more important in your life than being one of God’s tools to form a human soul. Read Deuteronomy 6:4-9. Then read Matthew 6:19-34 to remind yourself that in this side of eternity, there will be many other treasures that compete with treasuring God’s call on your life as a parent."

October 14, Session 2: Identity - "As a parent, if you are not resting in your identity in Christ and what he has done for you (See 2 Peter 1:3-4), then you will naturally look for identity in your children."

October 21, Session 3: Authority - “One of the foundational heart issues in the life of every child is authority (see Ephesians 6:1-4). Teaching and modeling the protective beauty of authority is one of the foundations of good parenting."

October 28, Session 4: False Gods - “You are parenting a worshiper, so it’s important to remember that what rules your child’s heart will control their behavior. We all have the ability to worship false gods in the mundane moments of everyday life (Exodus 20:3; I Corinthians 10:14).”

November 4th, Session 5: In light of the material we have covered thus far, this session will deal with the reality of wayward children and prodigals.  How can we, as parents, maintain a posture of hope, love and patience when our hearts are breaking?  The gospel provides us with an answer.

We hope to see you at the conference. We pray that the new schedule will be an optimum time for you!  Please contact Ray Mehringer or Jason Todd with any questions.