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Thrive: Parent University

June 27, 2019

5:00pm – 8:30pm

Location: 5218 Neosho St, St. Louis, MO 63109

Category: Outreach


Thrive: Parent University

June 27th | Hope Lutheran Church
thrive logo

Thursday, June 27th is another opportunity to get involved with Thrive St. Louis and their Parent University.  Come join other NCC volunteers to help serve a meal and serve with childcare as mothers who have chosen life, instead of abortion, learn how to properly care for their children.  You will need to arrive at Hope Lutheran Church (5218 Neosho St. Saint Louis, MO 63109) at 5:00pm and plan to stay until 8:30pm.  This is a great chance to put our faith into practice as part of our GO commission.  

If you are able to attend, please sign up online and you will receive further information.

For more information, you can email Nancy DeYoung.