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Topical Sermons

January 5, 2025

The Road Less Traveled

Speaker: Rich Gregory Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Psalm 1:1–6

December 29, 2024

Striving for Maturity

Speaker: Mike Heissler Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Colossians 2:1–7

October 20, 2024

True Discipleship

Speaker: Jon Rourke Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Matthew 28:16–20

September 1, 2024

A Church's Foundation: The Preaching of the Word of God

Speaker: Geoff Kirkland Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: 2 Timothy 4:1–5

July 14, 2024

Life is a Vapor

Speaker: Lance Quinn Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Psalm 39

May 12, 2024

Anxiety's Antidote

Speaker: Robert Thurman Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: 1 Peter 5:5–7

March 31, 2024

36 Hours in Sheol

Speaker: Rich Gregory Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons

March 10, 2024

A Missional Prayer

Speaker: Pastor Faly Ravoahangy Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Colossians 4:2–4

February 11, 2024

Justified by God's Grace

Speaker: Geoff Kirkland Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Titus 3:7

January 7, 2024

Glorifying God in a Hostile World

Speaker: Jeremiah Kirberg Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Psalm 115

November 26, 2023

Sanctifying Suffering

Speaker: Alex Mastrolonardo Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: James 1:2–8

October 8, 2023

Dying to Live

Speaker: Jerry Marshall Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Romans 12:1–3

July 30, 2023

The Agonizing Torments of Those in Hell

Speaker: Geoff Kirkland Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Luke 16:19–31

April 16, 2023

The Purpose of the Resurrection

Speaker: Rick Gregory Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Acts 5:27–32

March 12, 2023

Now... and Forever

Speaker: Pastor Faly Ravoahangy Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Ecclesiastes 3:1–15

January 15, 2023

The Story That Takes Two Testaments To Tell

Speaker: Ched Spellman Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: 2 Timothy 2:1–10

November 13, 2022

A More Sure Word

Speaker: Rich Gregory Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: 2 Peter 3:1–21

November 6, 2022

Spiritual Power Walking

Speaker: Jerry Marshall Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Galatians 5:16–25

October 9, 2022

Discipled to Disciple

Speaker: Alex Mastrolonardo Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Matthew 28:18–20

August 21, 2022

Listen for Life

Speaker: Ken Ramey Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons

July 3, 2022

The Blueprint for Church Ministry

Speaker: Alex Mastrolonardo Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Ephesians 4:12–16

March 6, 2022

The Blessed Life of Conduits of Grace

Speaker: Pastor Faly Ravoahangy Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Psalm 67:1–7

February 6, 2022

What's The Point?

Speaker: Jerry Marshall Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Ecclesiastes 1:12– 2:11

January 2, 2022

Be Wise! And Use Your Time Well!

Speaker: Geoff Kirkland Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Ephesians 5:15–17

October 17, 2021

A Call To Stable Faith In An Unstable World

Speaker: Myral Watson Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Isaiah 8:11– 9:7

July 11, 2021

Peter's Capitulation & Paul's Confrontation

Speaker: Jerry Marshall Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Galatians 2:11–21

June 13, 2021

Better Together

Speaker: Jeremiah Kirberg Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Hebrews 10:23–25

April 25, 2021

The Rightful Owner Of Your Supreme Affection

Speaker: Jerry Marshall Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Luke 14:25–35

April 4, 2021

The Resurrection's Practical Power

Speaker: Rich Gregory Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Romans 8:11–17

February 7, 2021

Learning Lament

Speaker: Jeremiah Kirberg Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Psalm 13:1–6

December 27, 2020

The Maniac Who Became A Committed Evangelist

Speaker: Geoff Kirkland Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Mark 5:1–20

November 29, 2020

Definition Of Thanksgiving

Speaker: Rich Gregory Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Psalm 100:1–5

May 30, 2020

How To Get Your Sanctification Unstuck

Speaker: Rich Gregory Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: 1 Peter 1:3–4

April 5, 2020

Life Lessons in the Crucible of Difficult Times

Speaker: Jerry Marshall Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: James 1:1–8

March 29, 2020

Peace in Christ, Tribulation in the World

Speaker: Jerry Marshall Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: John 16:33

March 8, 2020

Run to God and His Word

Speaker: Geoff Kirkland Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Proverbs 2

February 9, 2020

The Sufficient Sacrifice Of Jesus Christ, Your Savior

Speaker: Geoff Kirkland Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Hebrews 10:1–14

December 22, 2019

Extraordinary News for Ordinary People

Speaker: Jerry Marshall Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Luke 2:1–20

December 8, 2019

The Coming of the Coming Forerunner

Speaker: Jerry Marshall Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Luke 1:5–25

May 26, 2019

Who Then Is This?

Speaker: Josh Hayward Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Mark 4:35–41

May 19, 2019

An Honorable Vessel in the Hand of God

Speaker: Jerry Marshall Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: 2 Timothy 2:20–26

May 15, 2019

The Sovereign, Anointed King

Speaker: Eric Ortscheid Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Ascend Student Ministry Passage: Psalm 2:1–12

April 10, 2019

The Lord Is My Good Shepherd

Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Ascend Student Ministry Passage: Psalm 23:1–6

December 23, 2018

Come Let Us Worship the King

Speaker: Jerry Marshall Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Matthew 1:1– 2:12

December 16, 2018

The Preeminent Event of Christmas

Speaker: Jerry Marshall Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: John 1:1–5

November 25, 2018

Christ the King

Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Revelation 1:4–8

July 29, 2018

The Voice of the Lord

Series: Topical Sermons

December 24, 2017

A Little Caesar and a Big God

Speaker: Jerry Marshall Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Luke 2:1–20

December 17, 2017

The Greatest Commandment

Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Mark 12:28–34

October 22, 2017

Faith Alone

Speaker: Dr. Jason Duesing Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Romans 1:16–17

August 20, 2017

The Perils of Partiality in the Body of Christ

Speaker: Jerry Marshall Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: James 2:1–13

May 21, 2017

The Song of the Cross

Speaker: Jerry Marshall Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Psalm 22:1–21

April 30, 2017

The Body of Christ

Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: 1 Corinthians 12:12–31

March 12, 2017

Cleansing the Guilty Conscience

Speaker: Jerry Marshall Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Hebrews 9:1–14

January 29, 2017

Follow the Leader

Speaker: Kevin Bult Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Mark 10:32–52

October 30, 2016

The Pilgrim's Gratitude

Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Psalm 124

October 30, 2016

The Pilgrim's Gratitude

Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Psalm 124

October 23, 2016

God Demands and Deserves Our Absolute Trust

Speaker: Dr. Micheal Grisanti Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Isaiah 40:1–31

October 23, 2016

God Demands and Deserves our Absolute Trust

Speaker: Dr. Micheal Grisanti Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Isaiah 40:1–31

October 16, 2016

Maintaining Unity in a Divided Nation

Speaker: Jerry Marshall Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Romans 14:1–23

September 11, 2016

When Tolerance is Not a Virtue

Speaker: Jerry Marshall Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Revelation 2:18–29

September 4, 2016

The Mercy of God

Speaker: Matthew Teves Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: 1 Samuel 29:1–11

June 25, 2016

Men's Bible Study: How To to Survive in An Age of Apostasy

Speaker: Jerry Marshall Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Men's Ministry Passage: Jude 4:1–10, Matthew 7:15– 15:23, 1 Timothy 1:1–4

June 12, 2016

The Value of Your Time

Speaker: Pat Evans Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Ephesians 5:15–17

May 29, 2016

The Church: Heaven's Relentless Colony

Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Philippians 3:17– 4:1

April 17, 2016

Glimpses of the Glory of Jesus

Speaker: Kempton Turner Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Revelation 1:4–6

November 29, 2015

God and the Proud

Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Obadiah 1:1–21

October 4, 2015

Why Go to East St. Louis?

Speaker: Kempton Turner Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Isaiah 6

July 5, 2015

How to Behave in the Body of Christ (part 3)

Speaker: Jerry Marshall Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Romans 12:1–12:21

June 21, 2015

How to Behave in the Body of Christ

Speaker: Jerry Marshall Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: 1 John 4:1–4:14

May 31, 2015

The Saints and Their Spiritual Leaders

Speaker: Jerry Marshall Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: 1 Thessalonians 5:12–5:13

May 10, 2015

A Mother's Advice about an Excellent Wife

Speaker: Jerry Marshall Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Proverbs 31:10–31:31

April 26, 2015

A Generous Spirit and A Love for our Persecutors

Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Matthew 5:38–5:48

January 18, 2015

Sanctity of Life

Speaker: Jerry Marshall Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons

December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve 2014

Speaker: Jerry Marshall Series: Topical Sermons

November 30, 2014

Christ at the Center of Your Home

Speaker: Steve Linsky Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Ephesians 5

October 26, 2014

The Ultimate Q & A

Speaker: Austin Duncan Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Psalm 15

October 19, 2014

Relationship-Focused, Not Task-Focused

Speaker: Dr. Micheal Grisanti Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Micah 6:1–6:8

September 14, 2014

Glorifying God in a Hostile World

Speaker: Jeremiah Kirberg Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Psalm 115:1–155:18

July 20, 2014

The Tiny Faith of Worry

Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Matthew 6:24–34

July 6, 2014

Why So Many Denominations (Part 4)

Speaker: Jerry Marshall Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: John 17:20–17:23

June 15, 2014

Why So Many Denominations? (Part 2)

Speaker: Jerry Marshall Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: John 17:20–17:23

June 1, 2014

Why So Many Denominations? (Part 1)

Speaker: Jerry Marshall Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: John 17:20–17:23

July 21, 2013

Rekindling Your First Love

Speaker: Pat Evans Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Revelation 2:1–2:7

January 20, 2013

The Anatomy of Legalized Murder

Speaker: Jerry Marshall Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Psalm 139:13–139:16

January 6, 2013

The Propriety of Corporate Worship

Speaker: Jerry Marshall Series: Topical Sermons Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: John 4:19–4:24