General Questions
1. What is our long-range vision as a church if the Lord continues to grow our body?
2. What is The Trellis Project, and what does that name mean?
3. What is the proposed timeframe to start and complete this project?
4. Is our need for Phase One really that pressing right now?
Spiritual Infrastructure: Discipleship Pastor
1. What is a Discipleship Pastor?
2. Why does NCC need a Discipleship Pastor?
3. When will we hire a Discipleship Pastor?
Physical Infrastructure
1. Will our services be interrupted during construction?
2. Why aren't we first moving towards 3 services?
3. The architect mentioned the future construction of a worship center?
Ministerial Infrastructure
1. What is the additional land for?
2. What safety measures will be put in place to accommodate the necessary street crossing?
3. Why are we considering building amenities on the property and when will that happen?
Financial Questions
1. The cost of the project seems high. Why is the addition of property so expensive?
2. What kind of financial burden does this place upon the church?