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R3 Second Saturday - Cancelled

June 13, 2020

All Day

Category: Outreach


R3 Second Saturday - June Cancelled

June 13 | Cancelled

The Second Saturday for June 13, 2020 has been cancelled.

However, R3 will be starting their Summer Academy beginning in June through July 30th and there is an opportunity for you to sign-up online to volunteer each Wednesday and Thursday from 8:45 am to noon. You will be working side by side with a select group of local youth interns.

The tasks involved will be outdoors in the Landsdowne neighborhood; including clearing brush, weeding, garbage pick-up, etc. The goal is to beautify multiple city blocks.

If interested, please visit their website where you will find the signup page. You will be able to register for specific job tasks on each Wednesday and Thursday, beginning June 17th. Each day will be limited to only 10 volunteers. You will meet at Unity Lutheran Church in East St. Louis, IL each day.

For more information, please contact Paul DeYoung.