Messages from August 2015
Back to Message ArchiveAugust 30, 2015
The Rejected Church
Series: The Church in Acts Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Acts 6:8–7:60
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August 30, 2015
Christus Victor
Series: Equip 2015 - Q3 Topic: EQUIP - Sunday Morning Educational Hour
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August 30, 2015
The Bridge: Living Wisdom and Living Salvation
Speaker: Mark Drinkard Series: Equip 2015 - Q3 Topic: EQUIP - Sunday Morning Educational Hour Passage: James 5:1
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August 30, 2015
God is Spirit
Speaker: Chesley Campbell Series: Equip 2015 - Q3 Topic: EQUIP - Sunday Morning Educational Hour
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August 29, 2015
The Tabernacle of God (Part 2)
Speaker: Joe Swigart Series: Saturday Morning Men's Study Topic: Men's Ministry Passage: Revelation 21:1–21:5
August 29, 2015
Looking Into the Heart of Jesus - Part 8
Speaker: Jerry Marshall Series: Cutting it Straight Radio - The Gospel of John Topic: Cutting It Straight Radio
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August 26, 2015
The Marks of a Gospel-Saturated Christian
Speaker: Eric Ortscheid Series: Student Ministry Stand Alone Sermons Topic: Ascend Student Ministry Passage: James 1:18–1:27
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August 23, 2015
Controlling the Tongue and Motives of the Heart
Speaker: Mark Drinkard Series: Equip 2015 - Q3 Topic: EQUIP - Sunday Morning Educational Hour
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August 23, 2015
When Structure Meets Dynamic Growth
Speaker: Jerry Marshall Series: The Church in Acts Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Acts 6:1–6:7
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August 23, 2015
The Omniscience & Wisdom of God
Speaker: Jerry Marshall Series: Equip 2015 - Q3 Topic: EQUIP - Sunday Morning Educational Hour
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August 23, 2015
Like a Roaring Lion
Series: Equip 2015 - Q3 Topic: EQUIP - Sunday Morning Educational Hour
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August 22, 2015
Looking Into the Heart of Jesus - Part 7
Speaker: Jerry Marshall Series: Cutting it Straight Radio - The Gospel of John Topic: Cutting It Straight Radio
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August 22, 2015
A New Heaven and New Earth
Speaker: Jerry Marshall Series: Saturday Morning Men's Study Topic: Men's Ministry
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August 19, 2015
Better Than One
Series: Student Ministry Stand Alone Sermons Topic: Ascend Student Ministry Passage: Ecclesiastes 4:9–4:12
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August 16, 2015
Attributes of God: Truthful and Faithful
Speaker: Bruce Scheidhauer Series: Equip 2015 - Q3 Topic: EQUIP - Sunday Morning Educational Hour
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August 16, 2015
Looking To The Law For Yourself
Series: Equip 2015 - Q3 Topic: EQUIP - Sunday Morning Educational Hour
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August 16, 2015
The Bridge: Trials and True Saving Faith
Speaker: Mark Drinkard Series: Equip 2015 - Q3 Topic: EQUIP - Sunday Morning Educational Hour Passage: James 1–2
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August 16, 2015
Called Before the Supreme Court
Speaker: Jerry Marshall Series: The Church in Acts Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Acts 5:12–5:42
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August 15, 2015
Looking Into the Heart of Jesus - Part 6
Speaker: Jerry Marshall Series: Cutting it Straight Radio - The Gospel of John Topic: Cutting It Straight Radio
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August 9, 2015
Your Marriage and Biblical Counseling
Speaker: Steve Linsky Series: Equip 2015 - Q3 Topic: EQUIP - Sunday Morning Educational Hour
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August 9, 2015
An Unfortunate First
Speaker: Jerry Marshall Series: The Church in Acts Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons
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August 9, 2015
The Bridge: Biblical Faith and the Father's Discipline
Speaker: Mark Drinkard Series: Equip 2015 - Q3 Topic: EQUIP - Sunday Morning Educational Hour
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August 9, 2015
Attributes of God: God's Holiness and Righteousness
Speaker: Jerry Marshall Series: Equip 2015 - Q3 Topic: EQUIP - Sunday Morning Educational Hour
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August 9, 2015
Honey and Light: At Play in the Law of the Lord
Series: Equip 2015 - Q3 Topic: EQUIP - Sunday Morning Educational Hour
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August 8, 2015
Looking Into the Heart of Jesus - Part 5
Speaker: Jerry Marshall Series: Cutting it Straight Radio - The Gospel of John Topic: Cutting It Straight Radio
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August 5, 2015
How to Fight Against Anxiety
Speaker: Sarah Wood Series: Student Ministry Stand Alone Sermons Topic: Ascend Student Ministry Passage: Philippians 4:6–4:9
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August 5, 2015
A Lifelong Relationship
Speaker: Josh Richardson Series: Student Ministry Stand Alone Sermons Topic: Ascend Student Ministry Passage: Psalm 51:16–51:17
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August 5, 2015
Learning to Love as He Loves
Speaker: Eliana Steele Series: Student Ministry Stand Alone Sermons Topic: Ascend Student Ministry Passage: Romans 12:9–12:9
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August 2, 2015
The Bridge: The New Covenant and Committing to Others
Speaker: Mark Drinkard Series: Equip 2015 - Q3 Topic: EQUIP - Sunday Morning Educational Hour
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August 2, 2015
Attributes of God - Lesson 4
Speaker: Bruce Scheidhauer Series: Equip 2015 - Q3 Topic: EQUIP - Sunday Morning Educational Hour
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August 2, 2015
What the Bible Says About Parenting
Speaker: Pat Evans Series: Equip 2015 - Q3 Topic: EQUIP - Sunday Morning Educational Hour
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August 2, 2015
Honey and Light - Lesson 4
Speaker: Mike Grant Series: Equip 2015 - Q3 Topic: EQUIP - Sunday Morning Educational Hour
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August 1, 2015
Looking Into the Heart of Jesus - Part 4
Speaker: Jerry Marshall Series: Cutting it Straight Radio - The Gospel of John Topic: Cutting It Straight Radio
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August 1, 2015
Testimony of Joe Pesnell
Speaker: Joe Pesnell Series: Men's Breakfast Topic: Men's Ministry
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