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Messages from August 2015

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August 30, 2015

The Rejected Church

Series: The Church in Acts Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Acts 6:8–7:60

August 29, 2015

The Tabernacle of God (Part 2)

Speaker: Joe Swigart Series: Saturday Morning Men's Study Topic: Men's Ministry Passage: Revelation 21:1–21:5

August 23, 2015

When Structure Meets Dynamic Growth

Speaker: Jerry Marshall Series: The Church in Acts Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Acts 6:1–6:7

August 19, 2015

Better Than One

Series: Student Ministry Stand Alone Sermons Topic: Ascend Student Ministry Passage: Ecclesiastes 4:9–4:12

August 16, 2015

Called Before the Supreme Court

Speaker: Jerry Marshall Series: The Church in Acts Topic: Sunday Morning Sermons Passage: Acts 5:12–5:42

August 5, 2015

How to Fight Against Anxiety

Speaker: Sarah Wood Series: Student Ministry Stand Alone Sermons Topic: Ascend Student Ministry Passage: Philippians 4:6–4:9

August 5, 2015

A Lifelong Relationship

Speaker: Josh Richardson Series: Student Ministry Stand Alone Sermons Topic: Ascend Student Ministry Passage: Psalm 51:16–51:17

August 5, 2015

Learning to Love as He Loves

Speaker: Eliana Steele Series: Student Ministry Stand Alone Sermons Topic: Ascend Student Ministry Passage: Romans 12:9–12:9

August 1, 2015

Testimony of Joe Pesnell

Speaker: Joe Pesnell Series: Men's Breakfast Topic: Men's Ministry