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Moses: A Journey of Faith

Begins September 11 | 2nd & 4th Monday Evenings 6:45-8:15pm

Virtual Via Zoom

This study is full - please sign up here to join the waiting list.

Moses. What Bible story comes to your mind when hearing that name? A baby in a basket? A burning bush? The parting of the Red Sea? The Ten Commandments? Moses is one of the most prominent figures in the Old Testament and his name is widely recognizable across many religions. Moses is considered to be the author of the first five books of the Bible and he wrote at least one Psalm, Psalm 90. He is mentioned nearly 700 times in Scripture and not only did the Apostle Paul speak of him but more notably so did Jesus. He is an important biblical figure worthy of our study.

The Zoom Bible Study class will be studying Moses:  A Journey of Faith.  Moses was a reluctant leader that God used in mighty ways.  Join us to find hope and purpose in God’s prevailing purposes in his life and our lives.The study will be hosted on the second and fourth Mondays of each month via online Zoom meetings, beginning Monday, September 11, from 6:45 PM to 8:15 PM. Carol Callan will lead the discussion.  Lessons will be emailed to participants before the study begins.  Capacity for the class is limited.  Any questions can be directed to Karen Scheidhauer at (636) 359-1163.



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