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Equip 2013 - Q3

September 15, 2013

The Bridge: The Suffering Servant

Speaker: Mark Drinkard Series: Equip 2013 - Q3 Topic: EQUIP - Sunday Morning Educational Hour Passage: Isaiah 40:1–66:24

September 8, 2013

The Bridge: The Future Remnant

Speaker: Mark Drinkard Series: Equip 2013 - Q3 Topic: EQUIP - Sunday Morning Educational Hour Passage: Isaiah 29:1–39:8

August 11, 2013

Summer in the Psalms: Psalm 124

Series: Equip 2013 - Q3 Topic: EQUIP - Sunday Morning Educational Hour Passage: Psalm 124:1–124:8

August 4, 2013

Summer in the Psalms: Psalm 123

Series: Equip 2013 - Q3 Topic: EQUIP - Sunday Morning Educational Hour Passage: Psalm 123:1–123:4