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Equip 2015 - Q1

March 15, 2015

Teaching as Discipleship

Speaker: Chesley Campbell Series: Equip 2015 - Q1 Topic: EQUIP - Sunday Morning Educational Hour Passage: Matthew 28:19–28:20

March 8, 2015

The Majesty of the Marriage Relationship Part 3

Speaker: Kathy Stinehagen Series: Equip 2015 - Q1 Topic: EQUIP - Sunday Morning Educational Hour Passage: 1 Thessalonians 4:3–4:8

March 8, 2015

Teaching As Discipleship

Speaker: Chesley Campbell Series: Equip 2015 - Q1 Topic: EQUIP - Sunday Morning Educational Hour Passage: Matthew 28:19–28:20

January 11, 2015

Living for Christ and Uniting with Unbelief

Speaker: Mark Drinkard Series: Equip 2015 - Q1 Topic: EQUIP - Sunday Morning Educational Hour Passage: 2 Corinthians 4–6